Kelp is the climate-friendly crop that could
Kelp aquaculture is poised for growth on both U.S. coasts, but one grower network in Maine is building a brand and demand for domestic seaweed.
The MasSpec Pen, developed to diagnose tumors, can identify fish species by touching the tip to a sample. But the species database is lacking.
Kelp aquaculture is poised for growth on both U.S. coasts, but one grower network in Maine is building a brand and demand for domestic seaweed.
During the pandemic, several U.S. shellfish farmers have found much-needed relief through community supported aquaculture programs, or CSAs.
Innovation & Investment
Because space is a limiting factor for land-based aquaculture production, one Singapore company is developing a vertically configured RAS for shrimp.
Innovation & Investment
A HeroX challenge has fielded ideas for preventing or eliminating off-flavors in farmed catfish, with potential solutions coming from unexpected places.
Un artículo de Trends in Microbiology postula que los microplásticos oceánicos podrían ser un vector de patógenos que propagan genes resistentes a los antimicrobianos.
A Trends in Microbiology paper posits that ocean microplastics could be a vector for pathogens, spreading antimicrobial-resistant genes.
Los investigadores, fabricantes de alimentos y productores de sistemas acuícolas de recirculación están trabajando incansablemente para garantizar que su pescado tenga mejor sabor que nunca.
Researchers, feed manufacturers and recirculating aquaculture system producers are working tirelessly to ensure their fish tastes better than ever.
Innovation & Investment
CP Foods’ Robins McIntosh is turning a 40-acre site in Florida into a next-generation shrimp farm, producing 1,000 tons annually with zero waste.
Si bien muchos intentos de cultivar pámpano de Florida se han quedado cortos, Joe Cárdenas no se desanima, confía en que la clave es los sistemas de recirculación acuícola.
While many attempts to farm Florida pompano have fallen short, Joe Cardenas is undaunted, confident that recirculating aquaculture systems are the key.
The Stones came to Florida without experience in clams and no ties to the fishing community. Their backgrounds in farming, however, are proving valuable.
Arbiom espera aprovechar la ola de interés en nuevos ingredientes de alimentos y expandir la producción de una harina rica en nutrientes fabricada a partir de residuos de madera.
Arbiom hopes to ride the wave of interest in novel feed ingredients and expand production of a nutrient-rich protein meal made from wood residues.
Innovation & Investment
North Carolina company Shellbond seeks to commercialize a creative product made from shells, believing it could transform oyster farming.