Hatching a plan for Florida oyster farming
Panacea Oyster Co-op and Pensacola Bay Oyster Co. each aim to open dedicated oyster hatcheries in Florida, which could have a significant impact on the state’s aquaculture industry.
Panacea Oyster Co-op y Pensacola Bay Oyster Co. cada una aspiran a abrir criaderos de ostras en Florida, lo que podría tener un impacto significativo en la industria acuícola del estado.
Panacea Oyster Co-op and Pensacola Bay Oyster Co. each aim to open dedicated oyster hatcheries in Florida, which could have a significant impact on the state’s aquaculture industry.
Innovation & Investment
Los laboratorios con asociaciones industriales están haciendo que la acuacultura sea más innovadora, eficiente y responsable. Estas colaboraciones ofrecen acceso a experticia, instalaciones y financiamiento para fomentar la industria y mejorar la inocuidad alimentaria mundial.
Innovation & Investment
Laboratories with industry partnerships are making aquaculture more innovative, efficient and responsible. These collaborations offer access to expertise, facilities and funding to further the industry and improve global food security.