Health & Welfare
The microsporidium <i>Perezia</i> sp. and cotton shrimp disease
Study analyzes samples of microsporidia-infected shrimp in Madagascar, Mozambique and Saudi Arabia and with clinical signs of cotton shrimp disease.
Health & Welfare
Un estudio analiza muestras de camarones infectados con microsporidios en Madagascar, Mozambique y Arabia Saudita, y con signos clínicos de enfermedad de algodón del camarón.
Health & Welfare
Study analyzes samples of microsporidia-infected shrimp in Madagascar, Mozambique and Saudi Arabia and with clinical signs of cotton shrimp disease.
Health & Welfare
Un nuevo método de PCR anidado específico para el patógeno EHP de camarón cultivado puede usarse en diagnósticos de rutina y también es útil para detectar una infección de EHP de bajo grado.
Health & Welfare
A new nested PCR method specific to farmed shrimp pathogen EHP can be used in routine diagnostics and is also useful to detect low-grade EHP infection.
Health & Welfare
Un estudio demuestra que los fagos aislados probados son efectivos para controlar la infección por AHPND en camarones peneidos cultivados e inhibir el crecimiento bacteriano.
Health & Welfare
Study demonstrates that isolated phages tested are effective in controlling AHPND infection in farmed penaeid shrimp and inhibiting bacterial growth.
Health & Welfare
The presence of AHPND-Vibrio parahaemolyticus can be detected both in fecal DNA samples and in the enriched bacterial broth with samples of enrichment broth showing increased sensitivity.
Health & Welfare
Se conocen dos genes de virulencia que codifican una toxina binaria de Photorhabdus relacionada con insectos que causa la enfermedad de necrosis hepatopancreática aguda en camarones. Las patogenicidades de estas cepas de V. campbellii fueron evaluadas mediante infección de laboratorio y posterior examen histológico en camarones P. vannamei.
Health & Welfare
Two virulence genes are known to encode a binary photorhabdus insect-related toxin that causes acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease in shrimp. The pathogenicities of these V. campbellii strains were evaluated through laboratory infection and subsequent histological examination in P. vannamei shrimp.
Health & Welfare
Authors examined the histological features from shrimp infected with the emerging microsporidian parasite Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP). A PCR assay method was used to detected in hepatopancreatic tissue, feces and water sampled from infected shrimp tanks, and in some samples of Artemia biomass.
Health & Welfare
In analyzing the plasmid sequence from the whole genome sequences of AHPND V. parahaemolyticus (V.p) isolates, researchers identified a clear geographical variation within the plasmid, and developed PCR methods to characterize AHPND V.p isolates as either Mexico-type or Southeast Asia-type.
Health & Welfare
To determine origins of White Spot Syndrome Virus and Taura Syndrome Virus in Saudi Arabia, authors performed genotyping studies and found a new genotype in each of the isolates collected.
Health & Welfare
An in situ hybridization procedure can be used to diagnose blue crabs from Chesapeake Bay infected with a reovirus.
Health & Welfare
Although still being refined, the IMNV challenge method developed at the University of Arizona has shown promise as a tool to measure resistance in selected family lines of L. vannamei.
Health & Welfare
Based on a phylogenetic analysis with the BEAST program, the authors determined the evolutionary relationships among 83 Taura syndrome virus isolates.
Health & Welfare
Hepatopancreatic parvovirus is linked to growth retardation in shrimp. In a study, the genomic sequences of HPV from Madagascar and Tanzania were compared to those from Australia, Thailand and Korea.