Kelp is the climate-friendly crop that could
Kelp aquaculture is poised for growth on both U.S. coasts, but one grower network in Maine is building a brand and demand for domestic seaweed.
A pilot project led by the Aquaculture Association of Nova Scotia has shown first-year success for cultivating kelp on shellfish leases in Nova Scotia.
Kelp aquaculture is poised for growth on both U.S. coasts, but one grower network in Maine is building a brand and demand for domestic seaweed.
Researchers are growing kelp seedlings on ‘green gravel’ and then scattering them on the ocean floor, where they’ll hopefully anchor and flourish.
Study assesses kelp and maize meals as nucleation sites of biofloc formation and tests the products’ effect on the performance of Nile tilapia fingerlings.
Study evaluated the effect on Atlantic salmon smolts growth performance when adding abrown seaweed meal (from Laminaria sp., or kelp) to their feed.
Cultivadas durante cientos de años, las algas marinas (el kelp de azúcar, específicamente) son el fruto de una naciente industria acuícola en los EE. UU. que suministra a los chefs, cocineros caseros e inspiradores productos alimenticios frescos y congelados.
Grown for hundreds of years, seaweed (sugar kelp, specifically) is the fruit of a nascent U.S. aquaculture industry supplying chefs, home cooks and inspiring fresh and frozen food products.
Combinando la dinámica de fluidos geofísicos y la biología marina, la tecnología visionaria de Brian Von Herzen pronto será probada frente a la costa de Massachusetts antes de exportarla al Océano Índico.
Combining geophysical fluid dynamics and marine biology, Brian Von Herzen’s visionary technology will soon be tested off the coast of Massachusetts before export to the Indian Ocean.
Don’t call it integrated multi-trophic aquaculture: Former commercial fisherman Bren Smith says polyculture of non-fed species is the future of aquaculture.
Innovation & Investment
The executive director of the Maine Aquaculture Association talks to the Advocate about the diverse and growing industry in his state (oysters, mussels, kelp, eels and salmon) and how aquaculture should be used as a rural development tool.
Seaweed farming has both proven history and huge potential. Large-scale farms could produce raw materials for biofuel, aquatic feeds and human consumption.
In the authors’ recent study, sea cucumbers were added directly to abalone cages with no modifications of the culture equipment to form a simple, low-cost IMTA production system.