Mullet-based diets show promise as aquafeed ingredient
Findings of recent feeding trials with Siberian sturgeon and redfish demonstrate that mullet-based feeds can be substituted for traditional fishmeal resources.
Los hallazgos de recientes ensayos de alimentación con esturión siberiano y corvina roja demuestran que los alimentos tradicionales a base de lisas rayadas pueden sustituir a los recursos tradicionales de harina de pescado.
Findings of recent feeding trials with Siberian sturgeon and redfish demonstrate that mullet-based feeds can be substituted for traditional fishmeal resources.
Los últimos premios Champions of Change (Campeones de Cambio) celebraron el trabajo de los responsables del cambio en los productos de mar sostenibles, desde los chefs hasta los pescadores y los defensores de la acuacultura. Con la innovación y la perseverancia, la industria pronto podrá alcanzar su vasto potencial.
The latest Champions of Change awards celebrated the work of change-makers in sustainable seafood, from chefs to fishermen to aquaculture advocates. With innovation and perseverance, the industry may soon meet its vast potential.
A project in Florida is studying the feasibility of a marine aquaponic system containing red drum and two native saltwater species. Water that exits the plant raceways is filtered and recirculated to the fish tanks. In tests, sea purslane grew rapidly, while saltwort took almost four months to adapt. The fish exhibited high survival and achieved a feed-conversion ratio of 1.2.