Krill meal performs well in shrimp feed experiments
A study of experimental diets for juvenile shrimp showed a halving of fishmeal usage. Limited inclusion of krill meal offset other expensive ingredients.
Krill has been shown to augment aquafeeds but utilizing and protecting the resource demands specialized equipment and a patient, collaborative approach.
A study of experimental diets for juvenile shrimp showed a halving of fishmeal usage. Limited inclusion of krill meal offset other expensive ingredients.
A deficiency of cholesterol in shrimp diets can result in slower growth and higher mortality rates. A study by the authors investigated krill meal as a partial replacement for a cholesterol supplement in diets for juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp.
Health & Welfare
Due to its high protein and highly unsaturated fatty acids content, krill meal can be an effective ingredient in aquafeed.
In a study, krill meal incorporated into shrimp diets replaced fishmeal and soy lecithin with no significant effect on shrimp performance.