Innovation & Investment
Entrepreneurs need toughness, commitment to thrive in Hatch
For entrepreneurs in the Hatch accelerator program, the process of attracting investors to herald a new growth curve is an intense and immersive one.
Innovation & Investment
Overfeeding is a waste stream for aquaculture. Underwater cameras in pens help, but a company mixing hydroacoustics and machine learning has another idea.
Innovation & Investment
For entrepreneurs in the Hatch accelerator program, the process of attracting investors to herald a new growth curve is an intense and immersive one.
Health & Welfare
De acuerdo con un estudio realizado por Changing Tastes and Datassential, existe la oportunidad de expandir el mercado estadounidense de productos pesqueros cultivados si la industria acuícola adoptara más ampliamente las prácticas de producción humanitaria.
Health & Welfare
There’s an opportunity to expand the U.S. market for farmed seafood if the aquaculture industry were to more widely adopt humane production practices, according to a study by Changing Tastes and Datassential.
Innovation & Investment
La firma chilena de biotecnología dice que su aditivo para alimentos naturales, Futerpenol®, reduce o elimina la necesidad de antibióticos en el salmón y la trucha cultivados al estimular la respuesta inmune de los peces.
Innovation & Investment
Chilean biotech firm says its natural feed additive, Futerpenol®, reduces or eliminates the need for antibiotics in farmed salmon and trout by stimulating the immune responses of the fish.
For small-scale aquaculture farmers in far-flung regions, creating traceability data can present major challenges, both linguistic and technological. It’s those challenges that VerifiK8 is poised and ready to help solve.
Innovation & Investment
XperCount, también conocido como el "cubo mágico," utiliza la óptica y la fotónica para proporcionar un recuento exacto del 95 por ciento de los microorganismos, como larvas de peces o camarones, en cuestión de segundos.
The Shellfish Growers Climate Coalition, an initiative of seven founding U.S. aquaculture farmers, last week launched a partnership with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to spread public awareness about climate change and its impact on their businesses.
Innovation & Investment
XperCount, aka the “magic bucket,” uses optics and photonics to deliver 95 percent accurate count of microorganisms, such as fish or shrimp larvae, in just seconds.
Los productores de larvas de ostras dicen que el intercambio de información y la perseverancia los están ayudando a atravesar un tramo prolongado de altas mortalidades en la etapa larval.
Oyster larvae producers say information sharing and perseverance are seeing them through a prolonged stretch of high larval-stage mortalities.
The potential of a salmon-farming ban in Washington state is being monitored closely next door, in British Columbia, where many more salmon farms operate. But they’re not worried about a spillover effect.
Health & Welfare
Una vacuna oral administrada a través de alimento para peces para defenderse contra la necrosis nerviosa viral podría estar lista para el mercado pronto si todo va según el plan para el arranque de VakSea.
Health & Welfare
An oral vaccine delivered via fish feed to defend against Viral Nervous Necrosis could be ready for market soon if everything goes according to plan for startup VakSea.
Innovation & Investment
Aquanetix, lanzada por dos biólogos especializados en peces, usa tecnología en la nube para recolectar datos electrónicos, permitiéndole a los productores monitorear su infraestructura, minimizar las pérdidas de alimento y tomar decisiones operativas de negocio informadas en tiempo real sobre sus poblaciones.