Macronutrient research in aquaculture nutrition
Proteins, lipids and carbohydrates require equal consideration for aquafeed formulators, as each macronutrient influences performance and feed conversion.
Health & Welfare
An evaluation of dietary oils showed the occurrence of a core microbiota in early life stage of Atlantic salmon, independent of oil type in the feed.
Proteins, lipids and carbohydrates require equal consideration for aquafeed formulators, as each macronutrient influences performance and feed conversion.
This study evaluated replacing fishmeal with a protein-rich and EPA-rich co-product of the marine microalga Nannochloropsis oculate in diets of Nile tilapia.
This study evaluated the effect of diets supplemented with fish oil and algae meal for LC-PUFA enrichment on juvenile Nile tilapia. The experimental diets have promise as a feasible option for enriching omega-3 content in tilapia fillets.
Study evaluated production performance and tissue composition of juvenile Florida pompano fed diets containing fish oil or 25:75 blends of fish oil and various other lipid sources.
A study compared the bioavailability of crude protein and lipid from biofloc meals generated with an activated sludge system using two water sources: wastewater from shrimp experimental culture (BFL-W) and, artificially, using clean seawater (BFL-C).
Although groupers present desirable traits as an aquaculture species, the high cost of feed for the carnivorous fish limits expansion of grouper culture. The author performed two trials to evaluate the performance of tiger grouper juveniles fed soybean meal-based feeds.
Health & Welfare
An innovative new diet supports the mass culture of rotifers at the same time it transforms their nutritional composition to meet the requirements of first-feeding fish larvae. As in nature, the diet is based on a mixture of algae-based nutrients to which rotifers respond.
Alternative lipids have achieved varied success in ensuring adequate growth and fatty acid composition in fillets. The authors evaluated rainbow trout raised on diets containing fish oil or a blend of fish and standard or modified lipids varying in fatty acid composition.
One potential substitute for fish oil in aquafeeds is palm oil, which is the second most abundant vegetable oil in the world.
Health & Welfare
The biochemical characterization of wild female broodstock provides baseline data on the roles of lipids and vitamins in shrimp maturation.