France has become innovation nation for insect production
With a thriving insect industry in France, new opportunities are emerging to advance aquaculture feeds and mitigate environmental challenges.
Con una próspera industria de insectos en Francia, nuevas oportunidades están surgiendo para promover los alimentos acuícolas y mitigar los desafíos ambientales.
With a thriving insect industry in France, new opportunities are emerging to advance aquaculture feeds and mitigate environmental challenges.
La soya ha impulsado el crecimiento de la acuacultura, pero las preocupaciones ambientales y sociales de algunas áreas productoras están instigando a algunos acuacultores a evaluar la situación.
Soy has fueled the growth of aquaculture, but environmental and social concerns for some producing areas are prompting some fish farmers to take stock.
A high-capacity black soldier fly factory puts Protix in position to ramp up production. Investors explain why they’re betting on the sector’s success.
La película de ciencia ficción "The Fly" advirtió sobre la combinación de moscas y tecnología, pero los granjeros de moscas soldado negro de alta tecnología están aprovechando una oportunidad real en la acuacultura.
The sci-fi flick “The Fly” warned about mixing flies and technology, but high-tech black soldier fly farmers are seizing a real opportunity in aquaculture.
Qualitas Health, que cultiva algas en estanques en Nuevo México y Texas para suplementos humanos, está ingresando al mercado de ingredientes de alimentos acuícolas alternativos.
Qualitas Health, which grows algae in ponds in New Mexico and Texas for human supplements, is entering the alternative aquafeed ingredient market.
ProTyton es un ingrediente de alimentos de proteína unicelular (SCP) producido anaeróbicamente para camarones cultivados. El fabricante dice que aumenta la inmunidad, la supervivencia y el crecimiento.
ProTyton is an anaerobically produced single cell protein (SCP) feed ingredient for farmed shrimp. Its maker says it boosts immunity, survival and growth.
Canada and the United States may be friendly neighbors, but when it comes to aquaculture, the bordering countries take vastly different approaches to aquaculture in the Great Lakes.
Innovation & Investment
Technological advances are revolutionizing aquaculture. From airborne inspection tools to underwater drones, innovative robotics and automation technology are unveiling a brave new world of futuristic farming.