Study: Climate change an increasing threat to aquaculture
Researchers based in California are urging the global aquaculture industry to take proactive measures to protect global food security in the face of climate change.
Investigadores con sede en California instan a la industria acuícola global a tomar medidas proactivas para proteger la seguridad alimentaria mundial frente al cambio climático.
Researchers based in California are urging the global aquaculture industry to take proactive measures to protect global food security in the face of climate change.
Centrado en las implicaciones del uso de la tierra en la producción de carne terrestre, el estudio concluyó que la acuacultura puede satisfacer las demandas de proteínas de una población mundial en crecimiento sin aumentar la presión sobre la tierra cultivable, el agua u otros recursos naturales.
Focused on land-use implications of terrestrial meat production, the study concluded that aquaculture can meet the protein demands of a growing global population without adding strain on arable land, water or our other natural resources.
Agriculture and fisheries have long been aligned with conservation objectives. A newly formed group, CART, aims to do the same for aquaculture.
Open-ocean aquaculture, the “new kid on the block” in the rapidly growing aquaculture industry, was examined at a California Academy of Sciences event. New contributor Twilight Greenaway reports.