Fish nutrition will fuel aquaculture’s future
Dr. Monica Betancor, a lecturer at the University of Stirling, talks about the “intrinsic link” between fish nutrition and, ultimately, human health.
Researchers in Scotland, Sweden and Canada are exploring the potential of sea cucumbers, the squishy detritivores that can help clean up behind fish pens.
Dr. Monica Betancor, a lecturer at the University of Stirling, talks about the “intrinsic link” between fish nutrition and, ultimately, human health.
Mussels are subject to an ongoing debate about whether certification should be in the realm of fisheries or aquaculture. Take a deep dive into the matter.
Top-to-bottom value-chain collaboration is crucial to maintaining a sustainable seafood industry, presenters on Day 2 of GAA’s GOAL conference agreed.
Health & Welfare
Year-long ban on salmon ova exports is being lifted slowly, as different production zones satisfy Norwegian authorities of their ISA-free status.
American engineer at helm of Thailand-based EnerGaia has a grand vision for spirulina, which he says has potential as a protein source for fish feed.
Utilizando la probada ingeniería de estanques a gran escala, Susewi pretende convertirse en el mayor productor mundial de biomasa de algas, con la mira puesta en los alimentos acuícolas.
Utilizing proven large-scale pond engineering, Susewi aims to become the world’s largest producer of algal biomass, with its sights set on aquafeeds.
Crecimiento Azul es una parte integral del desarrollo global sostenible y de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación, ya que se relacionan con la conservación de los recursos marinos.
Blue Growth is as an integral part of sustainable global development and the Food and Agriculture Organization's Sustainable Development Goals as they relate to conservation of marine resources.
Innovation & Investment
Las causas y los efectos de los florecimientos de algas nocivas solo se han estudiado recientemente, a medida que aumenta su daño a la industria mundial de la acuacultura.
Innovation & Investment
The causes and effects of harmful algal blooms have only been studied recently, as damage to the global aquaculture industry mounts.
Fisheries improvements projects (FIPs) are an important mechanism for bettering South East Asian fisheries that supply into the aquafeed industry, a new report finds.
Seals have always preyed on Scotland’s salmon farms. As their population rises, producers seek alternative deterrence techniques to solve the problem.
Wide-ranging recommendations to the Scottish salmon sector include increased government oversight and mandatory reporting of disease outbreaks, fish mortalities and sea lice numbers.
Libby Woodhatch dice que el abastecimiento responsable y la producción segura de materias primas son "vitales" para que la harina y el aceite de pescado sigan siendo ingredientes acuícolas con credibilidad.