NovoNutrients partners up on its pathway to commercialization
NovoNutrients will join FEED-X, an initiative to transform the “sustainability performance” of value chains linked to climate change and biodiversity loss.
NovoNutrients, a microbial meal producer using industrial waste as an energy source, has secured $9 million in equity to scale production.
NovoNutrients will join FEED-X, an initiative to transform the “sustainability performance” of value chains linked to climate change and biodiversity loss.
A medida que los líderes empresariales cambian su enfoque de los biocombustibles y la energía a la seguridad alimentaria, un creyente convertido llama la oportunidad de los alimentos acuícolas como un necesario "redespliegue" de conocimiento.
Innovation & Investment
As business leaders switch focus from biofuels and energy to food security, one convert dubs the aquafeed opportunity a needed “redeployment” of knowledge.
Biotechnology firm NovoNutrients aims to produce a line of nutraceutical aquafeed additives as well as a bulk feed ingredient that can supplement fishmeal. Its process includes feeding carbon dioxide from industrial gas to a “microbial consortium” starring hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria.
Innovation & Investment
Biannual conference/competition showcased 40 new seafood businesses, or related services, from around the world. Winners were chosen on the strength of the opportunity, meaningful impact and compelling leadership and presentation.