Fish nutrition will fuel aquaculture’s future
Dr. Monica Betancor, a lecturer at the University of Stirling, talks about the “intrinsic link” between fish nutrition and, ultimately, human health.
Evaluating Aurantiochytrium sp. diet supplementation on silver pompano shows enhanced fish growth, physiological and biochemical indexes.
Dr. Monica Betancor, a lecturer at the University of Stirling, talks about the “intrinsic link” between fish nutrition and, ultimately, human health.
Study quantifies temporal changes of selected fatty acids from six fish species subjected to two handling and three storage methods compared to samples that were processed immediately.
A significant body of research has demonstrated that regular and increased consumption of essential omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of developing macular disease, providing us with an opportunity to help protect our eyes through proper nutrition and diet.
Cargill y la empresa australiana Nuseed están invirtiendo grandes sumas de dinero en el desarrollo de un aceite de canola modificado genéticamente rico en DHA. Mientras tanto, un destacado nutricionista arroja dudas sobre la necesidad de los omega-3 de los peces.
The benefits of omega-3 fatty acids to human health are well known. Fish need them too. To supplement current supplies from wild-caught fish, one innovative venture is turning to the corn fields of Nebraska – yes, Nebraska – for answers.
Cargill and Australia’s Nuseed are both investing large sums of money in the development of a genetically modified canola oil rich in DHA. Meanwhile, a leading nutritionist casts doubts on the necessity of omega-3s from fish.
One of the world’s leading fish nutrition experts talks about how aquaculture can learn to survive, and even thrive without depending on fishmeal and fish oil. It’ll take a lot of innovation, but Giovanni Turchini is confident that the industry is on the right path.
Are consumers fully aware of the health benefits of seafood? Many consumers do not act as if they are. It seems they do not have the information they need about the positive impacts the omega-3 fatty acids in seafood make on heart, brain and eye health. While fatty fish are especially good sources, any seafood is a better source of omega-3s than red meat. The need remains for clear communication and education about the health benefits, nutritional value and sources of omega-3s.
Seafood has played a prominent role in Japan’s food history. The country helped spread sushi, surimi and tempura, and fish consumption by the Japanese is still among the highest in the world. Their taste for seafood also contributes to better health.