Health & Welfare
Improving the osmoregulatory capacity of Pacific white shrimp grown in low salinity
Study shows it is possible to improve shrimp production in low-salinity waters by correcting magnesium and potassium deficiencies.
Health & Welfare
This two-part review brings together scientific and field advances in tilapia nutrition and feeding to better support the formulation of feeds for better production performance.
Health & Welfare
Study shows it is possible to improve shrimp production in low-salinity waters by correcting magnesium and potassium deficiencies.
Tilapias are farmed in a variety of production systems, but mostly in freshwater and low-salinity waters. But tilapias are an excellent candidate for aquaculture in brackish- and seawater because they can tolerate a wide range of water salinity.
According to the World Health Organization, 2 billion people are affected by mineral and vitamin deficiencies. Aquaculture producers should review the mineral content of culture waters and in fish diets and whether they can manipulate these two key variables.
Health & Welfare
El uso preventivo de sal común (cloruro de sodio) por los productores comerciales de peces de agua dulce tiene muchos beneficios, incluyendo ayudar a la prevención de rutina de pérdidas debidas a las enfermedades, el estrés y el mal manejo durante el transporte, recolección, clasificación, conteo, pesaje y desove inducido.
Health & Welfare
El uso preventivo de sal común (cloruro de sodio) por los productores comerciales de peces de agua dulce tiene muchos beneficios, incluyendo ayudar a la prevención de rutina de pérdidas debidas a las enfermedades, el estrés y el mal manejo durante el transporte, recolección, clasificación, conteo, pesaje y desove inducido.
Health & Welfare
The preventive use of common salt (sodium chloride) by commercial producers of freshwater fishes has many benefits, including helping with the routine prevention of losses due to diseases, stress and mishandling during transport, harvesting, grading, counting, weighing and induced spawning.
Health & Welfare
The preventive use of common salt (sodium chloride) by commercial producers of freshwater fishes has many benefits, including helping with the routine prevention of losses due to diseases, stress and mishandling during transport, harvesting, grading, counting, weighing and induced spawning.
Health & Welfare
Salinity tolerance in tilapia can be improved by optimizing acclimation protocols, adding salt to the diet or hybridization between fast-growing and salt-tolerant species.