How a land-preservation easement saved a California oyster company
Hog Island Oyster Company got some last-minute help from Marin Agricultural Land Trust, the first-ever land-preservation easement for mariculture.
Health & Welfare
Researchers in Scotland are developing a test to rapidly detect a range of shellfish diseases and biofouling species affecting production.
Hog Island Oyster Company got some last-minute help from Marin Agricultural Land Trust, the first-ever land-preservation easement for mariculture.
During the pandemic, several U.S. shellfish farmers have found much-needed relief through community supported aquaculture programs, or CSAs.
A look at three aquaculture companies that are figuring out how to solve their production problems by using solar power in innovative ways.
Innovation & Investment
Hatch Blue’s fourth cohort performed their pitches online for the first time, showcasing a spectrum of aquaculture product and service businesses.
Innovation & Investment
The Orkney Shellfish Hatchery aims to aid the restoration of iconic U.K. fisheries – native flat oysters, clawed lobsters and their coastal communities.
Eight months into the pandemic, the gloom and doom has lightened and there’s hope in the air for the Pacific Northwest shellfish sector.
In Maryland and Virginia, developers can buy credits from oyster farmers to offset their assumed environmental impacts. Can "nutrient trading" work?
Study looks at how water quality and hydrodynamics vary among Chesapeake Bay oyster farms, as well as the differences inside and outside grow-out areas.
Oyster producers learn to adapt in a Delaware Bay ecosystem that's critical for endangered shorebirds and highly protected horseshoe crabs.
Research results suggest that oyster farming can enhance wild oyster populations if oysters are harvested before spreading disease.
Drones and GoPro cameras are helping researchers, regulators and operators understand how shellfish farming interacts with sensitive habitats like eelgrass beds.
A handful of aquaculture companies in British Columbia are upgrading to "clean-tech" equipment to make their businesses more sustainable and efficient.
The word aquaculture is a dirty one in Alaska, where finfish farming is firmly prohibited. But if your farm fits a certain description, permits to proceed can indeed be obtained.
The Nature Conservancy was inactive in aquaculture until new program leader Robert Jones joined. His focus is on the positive outcomes of responsible aquaculture.
The online platform Oyster Tracker is designed to help oyster farmers keep track of inventory and make better use of their time on the water.