Evaluation of a fishmeal analog in biofloc culture of Pacific white shrimp
Study evaluates a fishmeal analog at different protein inclusion levels in diets for Pacific white shrimp reared in a biofloc technology culture system.
Health & Welfare
Evaluating the effects of chronic pH stress on juvenile Pacific white shrimp, study results suggest adverse affects on gut microbiota functions.
Study evaluates a fishmeal analog at different protein inclusion levels in diets for Pacific white shrimp reared in a biofloc technology culture system.
A microbial-enhanced protein for juvenile Pacific white shrimp showed higher levels of hydrolysable protein and better digestibility than soybean meal.
In a study of extruded feeds given to Pacific white shrimp juveniles, results showed shorter crop cycles, higher production yields and a cost reduction.
Health & Welfare
Study assessed shrimp juveniles fed enriched probiotic formulations, improving our understanding of the composition and dynamics of intestinal microbiota.
Health & Welfare
Study evaluates compensatory growth in shrimp at different temperatures and under feed restrictions in efforts to reduce costs and improve water quality.
Study evaluates lupin seed meal as a diet component for Pacific white shrimp in feeding experiments in a recirculating aquaculture system.
Updating Auburn University’s standard feeding protocol for shrimp into an optimized version for timer-feeders, recognizing the role of acoustic feedback.
Study compares the response of Pacific white shrimp fed microalgal oil-based diets and assessed their ability to withstand a Vibrio parahaemolyticus challenge.
Study assesses various shell-peeling times for newly harvested Pacific white shrimp soaked in ice water for up to 24 hours. Soak time can limit meat yield.
Health & Welfare
Exported cooked shrimp infected with White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) and tested positive by PCR is considered a risk factor for the introduction of the pathogen.
Study evaluates a commercial, algae-sourced, linear beta glucan in feeds for white shrimp; results show improved growth, survival, immune status.
Health & Welfare
This article presents lab and field test results for a proprietary parabiotic on Pacific white shrimp farms in Latin America and Southeast Asia.
Estudio evalúa los efectos de los ciclos de congelación y descongelación sobre la migración de humedad, la degradación de proteínas, la microestructura y la calidad del camarón blanco del Pacífico.
Health & Welfare
A study in Vietnam showed that there was significant variation in WSSV resistance among Pacific white shrimp families evaluated.
Study evaluates the effects of freeze-thaw cycles on moisture migration, protein degradation, microstructure and quality of Pacific white shrimp.