A brief look at genetically modified salmon
If approved by FDA, fast-growing genetically modified salmon will provide a safe and nutritious product similar to other farmed Atlantic salmon.
U.S. policies are intended to facilitate sustainable marine aquaculture, restore natural resources and enhance fisheries. Additional initiatives address shellfish production, aquaculture management in the Gulf of Mexico and technology transfer.
If approved by FDA, fast-growing genetically modified salmon will provide a safe and nutritious product similar to other farmed Atlantic salmon.
There is a widely promoted misconception that eating wild-caught fish is better for the oceans than eating farmed seafood. On a global basis, however, sustainably farmed fish may represent 60 times more efficient use of anchovies and other baitfish resources than wild fish.
Health & Welfare
United States government inspectors use their highly trained noses to determine whether imported seafood should enter U.S. commerce.
Although eating seafood is generally healthy, consumers with certain medical conditions are advised to avoid raw oysters to avoid potentially life-threatening Vibrio bacteria infection.
Rapid chilling at harvest can help preserve the freshness of fish, delaying the onset of autolytic reactions and growth of microorganisms.