
Global finfish production review: Gradual growth

Recent surveys indicate that global finfish production has doubled over the last decade, but most of this growth happened in the first half of this period. Production is still growing but at slower pace than in recent years, and annual growth rates must increase to at least 7.2 percent to maintain the double-in-a-decade objective. 

Competition across fish species in E.U.
Article image for Competition across fish species in E.U.


Competition across fish species in E.U.

In Europe, most frozen white fish fillets operate in an undifferentiated market. Although differences in quality and processing affect pricing, there is also competition across species and exporting countries. Analysis showed that prices for tilapia from the leading exporter China were not affected by any competitor, but pricing for tilapia from other countries was highly related. Low Pangasius prices affected the market share of tilapia, which may help explain why Pangasius is a most popular fish in the European Union.