Health & Welfare
Advances in fish hatchery management
Advances in fish hatchery management – particularly in the areas of brood management and induced spawning – have helped establish aquaculture for multiple species.
With pangasius imports growing in Central and South American production areas, one response is to introduce the fish as a new aquaculture species.
Health & Welfare
Advances in fish hatchery management – particularly in the areas of brood management and induced spawning – have helped establish aquaculture for multiple species.
Health & Welfare
The ability to culture pangasius in the low-salinity waters typical of coastal shrimp ponds in tidal zones would permit shrimp farmers to culture an additional species of economic importance and aid in diversifying the commercial aquaculture production of these areas.
Health & Welfare
With a range of positive attributes, pangasius has become one of the largest aquaculture commodity products in the world. The fast-growing fish resist low dissolved oxygen at high stocking densities and require little fishmeal in diets.
Health & Welfare
As with other species, varied health problems – and treatments – related to parasites and bacteria have been encountered in pangasius catfish.
As reflected in a survey by the authors, rising productivity and higher yields have made pangus culture more profitable than carp farming.
A Quality Index Method (QIM) developed to assess the freshness of pangasius fillets stored on ice showed a high correlation between the index score and storage time.