Health & Welfare
AHPND is a chronic disease in Pacific white shrimp from Latin America
There is a new phase of infection for Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease on Latin American shrimp farms, a contrast to observations in Southeast Asia.
Health & Welfare
Hay una nueva fase de infección para la enfermedad de Necrosis Hepatopancreática Aguda en las granjas camaroneras de América Latina, en contraste con las observaciones del sudeste asiático.
Health & Welfare
There is a new phase of infection for Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease on Latin American shrimp farms, a contrast to observations in Southeast Asia.
Health & Welfare
En este estudio, se estudió la co-infección del virus del síndrome de la mancha blanca y AHPND-Vibrio parahaemolyticus en camarones vannamei juveniles en condiciones de laboratorio.
Health & Welfare
In this study, co-infection of white spot syndrome virus and AHPND-Vibrio parahaemolyticus was studied in juvenile vannamei shrimp under laboratory conditions.
Health & Welfare
Los resultados del estudio indican que P. vannamei desafiado con AHPND en biofloc tuvo mayores tasas de supervivencia que los camarones desafiados en agua clara.
Health & Welfare
Study results indicate that P. vannamei challenged with AHPND in biofloc had higher survival rates than shrimp challenged in clear water.
Health & Welfare
Desafíos de laboratorio y un estudio caso-control se utilizaron para determinar los efectos de la infección por EHP en dos enfermedades de Vibrio: necrosis hepatopancreática aguda (AHPND) y necrosis hepatopancreática séptica (SHPN).
Health & Welfare
Laboratory challenges and a case-control study were used to determine the effects of EHP infection on two Vibrio diseases: acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND) and septic hepatopancreatic necrosis (SHPN).
Health & Welfare
Biosecurity strategies adopted by the shrimp industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have resulted in historical production in 2015 and a similar forecast for 2016, and are a significant step towards the long-term goal of sustainable aquaculture.
Health & Welfare
White tail disease in shrimp can result from various conditions. Infectious Myonecrosis is a significant disease of white shrimp in both Latin America and Asia.
Health & Welfare
International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) guidelines should be modified and closely followed to guard against the possibility of introducing new viral pathogens.
Health & Welfare
The dramatic transformation of the shrimp sector in Asia was fueled by the switch from monodon shrimp to P. vannamei seedstock from Hawaii.