Microalgae production technologies for hatcheries
Microalgae – an important live feed in shrimp and fish hatcheries – can be produced in both open and closed systems, with the latter having some advantages.
Shrimp hatcheries are highly dependent on continuous availability of clean water and proper treatment of effluents using sedimentation and biofiltration.
Microalgae – an important live feed in shrimp and fish hatcheries – can be produced in both open and closed systems, with the latter having some advantages.
Health & Welfare
Durante la temporada de lluvias, el agua del estanque y la calidad del fondo pueden sufrir cambios significativos e impactar la salud, el bienestar y la productividad del camarón. Los administradores de granjas deben estar preparados para administrar los riesgos asociados.
Health & Welfare
During the rainy season, pond water and bottom quality can undergo significant changes and impact shrimp health, well-being and productivity. Farm managers should be prepared to manage the associated risks.