GOAL 2019: Global finfish production review and forecast
The Global Aquaculture Alliance’s annual GOAL production survey data shows that farmed marine finfish production increased 73 percent from 2009 to 2019.
Los datos de la encuesta anual de producción GOAL de la Alianza Global de Acuacultura muestran que la producción de peces marinos cultivados aumentó un 73 por ciento de 2009 a 2019.
The Global Aquaculture Alliance’s annual GOAL production survey data shows that farmed marine finfish production increased 73 percent from 2009 to 2019.
La producción de peces cultivados se ha más que duplicado desde 2005 hasta un estimado de unas 38 millones de toneladas métricas en 2018; se anticipa que la producción de 2019 se mantenga a este nivel de 38 millones de toneladas métricas.
Farmed finfish production has more than doubled since 2005 to an expected 38 million metric tons in 2018; 2019 production is expected to remain at 38 million metric tons.
Household surveys have been carried out annually since 2012 in France, Germany and the UK on perceptions and consumption patterns for salmon and meat from agriculture. Results show that salmon is generally perceived as having more beneficial effects than chicken on brain development, bone development, certain cancer risks and coronary heart disease risk.
La encuesta GOAL 2016 para la producción mundial de peces cultivados muestra que la mayoría de los principales grupos de peces aumentaron su producción de cultivo en 2016. La producción total de especies y países cubiertos por la encuesta se proyecta que alcance 42 MTM en 2016.
The GOAL 2016 survey for global production of farmed fish shows that most major finfish groups increased their farmed production in 2015. The total production of species and countries covered by the survey is forecasted to reach 42 MMT in 2016.
With much to learn yet from the more mature chicken sector, farmed salmon has potential to become a more favored option for consumers. This study shows the potential for actions in salmon value chains to improve consumer perceptions.
Recent surveys indicate that global finfish production has doubled over the last decade, but most of this growth happened in the first half of this period. Production is still growing but at slower pace than in recent years, and annual growth rates must increase to at least 7.2 percent to maintain the double-in-a-decade objective.
Russia’s 2014 embargo on seafood and other food imports from the United States, European Union members and other countries created multiple impacts. Russian consumers have experienced higher prices and declines in the volume and quality of seafood available. Russian companies in seafood value chains have also been hurt.
Innovation & Investment
Innovations in key technologies have contributed to productivity growth in salmon farming. Manual production tasks have been automated, while improvements in feed and disease management also increase efficiency.
Health & Welfare
Consumer perceptions regarding seafood influence consumers’ willingness to consider and purchase fish as a viable protein choice.
In a survey, 500 consumers from the United Kingdom, Russia, France, Germany and Sweden rated salmon second overall to chicken and ahead of pork and beef. Salmon scored high in all countries for healthiness.
Norway’s groundfish-farming industry can deliver premium-quality products, but can it achieve economic sustainability, as well? Salmon feeding, quality and disease technology can not be fully transferred to cod.