Health & Welfare
Can farming horseshoe crabs help the COVID-19 cause?
Already housing horseshoe crabs for medical purposes, researchers hope recirculating aquaculture systems will aid their coronavirus-fighting efforts.
Health & Welfare
Los investigadores – que ya mantienen cangrejos herradura en cautiverio para fines médicos –esperan que los sistemas de recirculación acuícola ayuden en sus esfuerzos de lucha contra el coronavirus.
Health & Welfare
Already housing horseshoe crabs for medical purposes, researchers hope recirculating aquaculture systems will aid their coronavirus-fighting efforts.
Innovation & Investment
U.K. prawn farms FloGro Fresh and Great British Prawns believe demand for trusthworthy, local food will carry them past the COVID-19 market disruption.
Health & Welfare
This study investigated the effect of various RAS water treatment designs on water and biofilm microbiota, survival, growth and gill health of lumpfish.
Hay lecciones que aprender para la acuacultura en medio de la pandemia de coronavirus que está impactando la vida y los negocios en todos los niveles. Exploramos algunas perspectivas.
Innovation & Investment
There are lessons to be learned for aquaculture amid the coronavirus pandemic that's impacting life and business at every level. We explore a few perspectives.
Innovation & Investment
Los inversionistas están invirtiendo millones en los sistemas de recirculación acuícola, pero las granjas RAS más pequeñas ya están penetrando en el mercado, y algunas están a punto de expandirse.
Innovation & Investment
Investors are pouring millions into recirculating aquaculture systems, but smaller RAS farms are already penetrating the market, with some poised to expand.
Innovation & Investment
Estudio evalúa la oxidación electroquímica como un medio para mejorar la calidad del agua en los sistemas RAS y muestra que es posible eliminar el nitrógeno amoniacal total.
Innovation & Investment
Study evaluates electrochemical oxidation as a means to improve water quality in RAS systems and shows it’s possible to remove total ammonia nitrogen.
Si bien muchos intentos de cultivar pámpano de Florida se han quedado cortos, Joe Cárdenas no se desanima, confía en que la clave es los sistemas de recirculación acuícola.
While many attempts to farm Florida pompano have fallen short, Joe Cardenas is undaunted, confident that recirculating aquaculture systems are the key.
El RAS es un sector emergente con dos productores que lideran el sector estadounidense, respondiendo a la alta demanda de salmón del Atlántico y de alimentos locales de bajo impacto.
The Canadian Liberal Government’s announcement of Aquaculture Act left the industry feeling anxious while some stakeholders say they were completely left out of the process.
RAS is an emerging sector with two producers leading the U.S. pack, responding to high demand for Atlantic salmon and for local, low-impact food.
Innovation & Investment
Israel-based AquaMaof has seen its RAS technology rolled out to 10 facilities around the world, with more still in the pipeline.