Innovation & Investment
Africa’s first land-based salmon farm a landmark for Lesotho
A Singapore-based company aims to make Lesotho, a nation of 2 million people, known for a local fish that’s truly anything but local: Atlantic salmon.
Innovation & Investment
Una compañía con sede en Singapur tiene como objetivo hacer que Lesotho, una nación de 2 millones de personas, sea conocida por un pescado local que es realmente todo menos local: el salmón del Atlántico.
Innovation & Investment
A Singapore-based company aims to make Lesotho, a nation of 2 million people, known for a local fish that’s truly anything but local: Atlantic salmon.
Study shows that microalgae assists the stability of small-scale RAS, and that microalgae can be used to manipulate the bacterial community.
Innovation & Investment
JLH Consulting has spent the last four years working on a better RAS setup designed to prevent overcrowding of fish and ultra-low energy demand.
Health & Welfare
Study investigates composition of bacterioplankton communities in an RAS hatchery used for the production of Senegalese sole juveniles.
Innovation & Investment
El impacto que tendrán los sistemas de recirculación acuícola o RAS en la producción europea aún está por verse, pero el ambiente general es positivo.
Innovation & Investment
The impact that recirculating aquaculture systems, or RAS, will have on European production remains to be seen, but the general vibe is positive.
Innovation & Investment
Los dos productos de BioFishency, el Biofiltro de Un Pase y el Mini-RAS, cada uno tiene como objetivo mejorar las tasas de supervivencia, crecimiento y reproducción de los peces, lo que aumenta la rentabilidad y la sostenibilidad para el productor.
Innovation & Investment
BioFishency's two products, the Single Pass BioFilter and the Mini-RAS, each aim to improve the survival, growth and reproduction rates of fish, which increases profitability and sustainability for the farmer.
Aquaculture is spurring the growth of seafood production around the world. At Seafood Expo North America, passionate opinions about aquaculture are not difficult to find. Our editor shares his notes from the annual event.
Innovation & Investment
El productor de camarón en RAS de los EE.UU., Natural Shrimp, utiliza la electrocoagulación para eliminar y controlar las bacterias, el amoníaco y otros contaminantes que pueden dificultar la producción.
A study shows that wastewater from recirculating aquaculture systems is suitable for microalgal cultivation and that sludge amendment to the wastewater increases production.
Innovation & Investment
U.S. RAS shrimp producer NaturalShrimp uses electrocoagulation to remove and control bacteria, ammonia and other contaminants that can hinder production.
Health & Welfare
This study examined differences in fish performance and water quality dynamics between biofloc, clear water and hybrid systems as nurseries for tilapia.
Innovation & Investment
Sara Rademaker lanzó American Unagi para cambiar la cría de anguilas a suelo estadounidense, de donde provienen las anguilas. ¿Por qué? Debido a la novedad, y porque ella vio la oportunidad de hacer las cosas mejor.
Innovation & Investment
Sara Rademaker launched American Unagi to shift eel farming to American soil, where the eels are from. Why? Because of the novelty, and because she saw an opportunity to do things better.