Health & Welfare
RAS polyculture of channel catfish, Nile tilapia
High-density RAS polyculture of channel catfish and tilapia in tanks or raceways has several advantages over traditional pond culture.
In a study, a radial-flow settler provided approximately twice the TSS removal efficiency of a comparable swirl separator.
Health & Welfare
High-density RAS polyculture of channel catfish and tilapia in tanks or raceways has several advantages over traditional pond culture.
Phosphorus is one of the most scrutinized nutrients discharged by aquaculture systems, due to its potential eutrifying impact on receiving bodies of water.
Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) has moved beyond research and development to claiming a growing share of commercial finfish aquaculture production.
Health & Welfare
A study of hybrid tilapia breeding represents the minimum scale needed for achieving successful, in-house selective breeding.
Denitrification by anaerobic bacteria can remove nitrates from RAS, but the operation requires anaerobic conditions and the addition of carbon sources.
A farm in Cambados, Galicia, is producing turbot with recirculating technology from Norway to reduce the growing period by controlling water temperature.
Heterotrophic and autotrophic bacterial communities supported within a biofilter naturally process organic wastes and provide biologically stable water.
The performance of a bubble-washed bead filter with partial solids removal was evaluated at the University of Arkansas in Pine Bluff.
Eastern Tilapia Inc. in Ontario, Canada, is proving that recirculating culture systems can be set up in and run in unconventional locations.
RAS inputs and outputs are easily quantified, but even an efficient system will appear to have higher operating costs than a traditional pond.
With improvements in water recirculation technology, the time has come to seriously consider RAS in a freshwater salmon hatchery.
Drum filters have been shown to be efficient in tests, although the effect of using different mesh sizes has not been clearly determined.
Bead filters compete very well as bioclarifiers and are used in combination with fluidized beds to tackle solids capture and biofiltration needs.