Innovation & Investment
Robins McIntosh: Florida RAS shrimp farm the first of many
CP Foods’ Robins McIntosh is turning a 40-acre site in Florida into a next-generation shrimp farm, producing 1,000 tons annually with zero waste.
GOAL 2020 keynote speaker Peer Ederer says the solution to closing food security gaps doesn’t include abandoning animal proteins and finger pointing.
Innovation & Investment
CP Foods’ Robins McIntosh is turning a 40-acre site in Florida into a next-generation shrimp farm, producing 1,000 tons annually with zero waste.
Los líderes de opinión en el mundo del camarón discutieron el pasado y el futuro de la industria en la Conferencia y Exposición Mundial de Camarones INFOFISH 2019 en Bangkok.
Thought leaders in the world of shrimp discussed the industry’s past and future at the 2019 INFOFISH World Shrimp Conference and Exposition in Bangkok.
AQUA 2018 brought together more than 3,000 aquaculture stakeholders from around the world, including keynote speakers Árni M. Mathiesen, Robins McIntosh and Øyvind Oaland.
Todays' shrimp farm technologies include biosecurity protocols, stocking densities according to pond design and aeration levels, and best practices for pond preparation and feed and water management.
Health & Welfare
The foundation of a successful integrated aquaculture company is reliable production of healthy postlarvae. Methodical breeding selection of the offspring from carefully managed broodstock can lead to improved disease resistance and higher growth rates.
Reflecting a trend in aquaculture, Charoen Pokphand Foods reinvented itself in 2002, expanding from primarily a feed company to a fully integrated shrimp producer.
This article describes a mechanized shrimp harvesting that consistently yields quality product suitable for the European market.