Rotifers and diatoms aid shrimp biofloc nurseries
Larval shrimp performance (feed conversion and final weight) in a biofloc nursery system improved with both added diatoms (Navicula sp.) and rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis).
A two-year grant of $276,000 seeks to improve the nutrition of live feed for, and therefore the production of, larval California yellowtail and halibut, with the hopes that the technology will be applicable to other species.
Larval shrimp performance (feed conversion and final weight) in a biofloc nursery system improved with both added diatoms (Navicula sp.) and rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis).
Health & Welfare
Honduras-based Grupo Granjas Marinas believes that large-scale production of rotifers and copepods and sequential pond inoculations, in combination with short shrimp growth cycles can significantly increase shrimp production while reducing dependency on other sources of protein in feeds.
Live diets for reared marine larvae must be cost-effective and versatile while providing good nutrition and being easily captured and digested. Copepods offer superior nutritional value, but their rearing requires space and is laborious.
Unlike artemia, which is largely a commodity item, rotifers need to be raised at farm sites and nutritionally tailored to the requirements of the species being cultured.