Health & Welfare
Fish vaccination: Success with salmon expanding
Vaccination combined with good disease management can improve fish survival, improve feed conversion, reduce costs and secure predictable production.
Ultrasound offers a low-impact alternative to chemical treatments for unwanted algae, like chlorophyll a, and biofilms in aquaculture.
Health & Welfare
Vaccination combined with good disease management can improve fish survival, improve feed conversion, reduce costs and secure predictable production.
Health & Welfare
Studies have identified changes in the quality parameters of farmed Atlantic salmon and wild salmon that reflect changes in the animals’ life cycles, diets and environments.
In a meta-analysis of 28 nutrition studies, the authors found limited possibilities for ingredient substitution for fishmeal in diets for salmon and trout.
Health & Welfare
Since the early 1990s, salmon farmers have added lights to their cages from midwinter to midsummer to reduce the incidence of sexual maturation and improve fish growth.
Health & Welfare
A study developed a rapid, nondestructive and sensitive method to evaluate the condition of farmed Atlantic salmon using mass spectrometry with protein chip technology.
The pathogenic bacterium Listeria monocytogenes is present in the environment and easily transferred to food and food contact surfaces.
Selenium is crucial in key human metabolic processes that ensure normal growth and development and strong immune and antioxidant defense systems.
Health & Welfare
Transgenic salmon and trout developed by AquaBounty Technologies are minimally different from other farm-raised fish, but exhibit impressive and inheritable growth rates.
A risk assessment of PCBs and other contaminants in farmed and wild salmon was flawed and did not reflect public health community opinions.
Product quality in cold-smoked salmon is best maintained by smoking fresh fish with high fat content and freezing them after, not before, smoking.
Health & Welfare
Infectious salmon anemia (ISA) is an infectious disease that caused extensive morbidity and mortality on infected farms in Maine and New Brunswick.
BMPs for salmon feed manufacturers cover formulation and evaluation of ingredients, while farmers should focus on amount, frequency and delivery of feed.