Repurposing Maine: Aging fishing facilities find new life with aquaculture
Some Maine lobster fishermen are turning to aquaculture in a quest to diversify and give defunct lobster pounds a second chance to produce local seafood.
A sister state agreement with Aomori Prefecture in northern Japan helps growers in Maine establish semi-automated commercial operations.
Some Maine lobster fishermen are turning to aquaculture in a quest to diversify and give defunct lobster pounds a second chance to produce local seafood.
Don’t call it integrated multi-trophic aquaculture: Former commercial fisherman Bren Smith says polyculture of non-fed species is the future of aquaculture.
Innovation & Investment
Gracias en parte a una relación única de "estado hermano" que Maine comparte con la Prefectura de Aomori, una técnica de cultivo de vieira y sus equipos relacionados desarrollados en Japón se van vía a los Estados Unidos. El uso del equipo podría ahorrar tiempo y dinero a los productores y podría marcar el nacimiento de una nueva industria.
Innovation & Investment
Thanks in part to a unique “sister state” relationship that Maine shares with Aomori Prefecture, a scallop farming technique and related equipment developed in Japan are headed to the United States. Using the equipment could save growers time and money and could signal the birth of a new industry.
Para que cualquier empresa tenga éxito, en última instancia debe ser consciente de la línea de fondo. Sin embargo, la rentabilidad no tiene por qué venir a expensas de la filantropía. Dos empresas de acuicultura, a menos de 100 millas de distancia de la costa este de los Estados Unidos, han demostrado que el éxito se puede medir más allá del dinero.
Two New England shellfish producers are furthering their innovative social license initiatives, both in their hometowns and in food-insecure regions overseas. Island Creek Oysters and Matunuck Oyster Farm have become admirable aquaculture ambassadors.
Health & Welfare
Purple-hinge rock scallops are highly prized by local communities and harvested for subsistence in coastal Alaska. To evaluate the suitability of purple-hinge rock scallops for mariculture in Alaska, the authors conducted a four-year grow-out study.