Sea cucumber project redefining traditional farming in Madagascar
Farming sea cucumbers – known as sea slugs in China – is changing people’s lives, giving rural workers in Madagascar a potential pathway out of poverty.
Researchers in Scotland, Sweden and Canada are exploring the potential of sea cucumbers, the squishy detritivores that can help clean up behind fish pens.
Farming sea cucumbers – known as sea slugs in China – is changing people’s lives, giving rural workers in Madagascar a potential pathway out of poverty.
Innovation & Investment
Copernicus, el Sistema de Observación de la Tierra de 4.300 millones de euros de la Agencia Espacial Europea, tiene beneficios potenciales para la pesca y la acuacultura. El proyecto SAFI se está acercando al sector acuícola en relación al aprovechamiento y el monetizado de este servicio único desde allá arriba.
Michael Rubino and Gunnar Knapp list key reasons why U.S. marine aquaculture has been limited to a scale far below its vast potential.
Threats from overfishing and climate change highlight the need for alternative methods of local seafood production and economic advancement throughout the Pacific Islands. Ongoing work with giant clams, pearl oysters and crabs helps meet consumer needs and replenish stocks.
Health & Welfare
While sea cucumbers are one of the most prized seafoods in China and Asia, their production suffers from suboptimal juvenile production. The use of proper feeds and overall management in the nursery can improve yield and survival.
Health & Welfare
If an animal is stressed, its immune function decreases, and vulnerability to diseases increases. Since there is currently no effective treatment for disease in echinoderms, the authors examined the impacts of handling and salinity fluctuations on the immune functions of sea cucumbers and sea urchins.
In the authors’ recent study, sea cucumbers were added directly to abalone cages with no modifications of the culture equipment to form a simple, low-cost IMTA production system.
Advances in the culture of sea cucumber species are countering the overexploitation of wild populations. Protocols for intensive hatchery production are well established, and juvenile production efficiency has improved.