SeaWeb Seafood Summit in Thailand highlights rise of worker voice
Patima Tungpuchayakul, who rescued more than 5,000 Thai and migrant workers on fishing vessels, punctuates an emotional event kickoff.
The company has engaged in feed trials with both algae and microbial meals, before its sustainability director said farmers, “by and large, don’t want it.”
Patima Tungpuchayakul, who rescued more than 5,000 Thai and migrant workers on fishing vessels, punctuates an emotional event kickoff.
At the Barcelona Seafood Summit, an expert panel discussed a sustainable future for aquafeeds. What stands between us and that future?
The Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative aims to set the bar for certification schemes. Board members of the task force formed in 2012 convened at the SeaWeb Seafood Summit in Malta to reinforce the mission and brief attendees on progress.
The challenges of farming fish in U.S. federal waters were the focus of a panel discussion at the SeaWeb Seafood Summit in Malta. Despite recent policy updates, U.S. aquaculture chiefs oversee an industry with high barriers for entry.
In previewing the SeaWeb Seafood Summit, the Advocate examines human rights in the supply chain and the people who advance solutions in rooting out worker abuses. In part one of a three-part series, Environmental Justice Foundation co-founder Steve Trent talks about linking environmental security with human rights.