Health & Welfare
Estimating heritability of WSSV resistance in Pacific white shrimp
A study in Vietnam showed that there was significant variation in WSSV resistance among Pacific white shrimp families evaluated.
Health & Welfare
A selective breeding program for giant freshwater prawns in China provides valuable information for the breeding of the species.
Health & Welfare
A study in Vietnam showed that there was significant variation in WSSV resistance among Pacific white shrimp families evaluated.
Health & Welfare
Genome editing can contribute to sustainable aquaculture production in terms of disease resistance and sterility to prevent interbreeding with wild stocks.
Health & Welfare
Due to high fecundity and external fertilization, most aquaculture species are amenable to genetic improvement technologies, including genome editing.
Health & Welfare
This study, involving more than 10 years of research on selective breeding, has shown that selective breeding can create considerable phenotypic divergence in rainbow trout lines when targeting a specific pathogen.
Health & Welfare
A major goal of selective breeding program for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Egypt is to select for fillet color and fillet weight in response to consumer preferences.
Tilapias are farmed in a variety of production systems, but mostly in freshwater and low-salinity waters. But tilapias are an excellent candidate for aquaculture in brackish- and seawater because they can tolerate a wide range of water salinity.
Health & Welfare
El alcanzar mayores tasas de crecimiento en el camarón cultivado comercialmente tiene muchos beneficios importantes, incluyendo la reducción de varios riesgos, la reducción de costos y el aumento de las oportunidades económicas. La genética del camarón determina principalmente cuanto crecimiento adicional se puede lograr, ya que el camarón típicamente refleja las tasas de crecimiento de sus progenitores.
Health & Welfare
Realizing higher growth rates in commercially cultured shrimp has many important benefits, including reducing various risks, cutting costs and increasing economic opportunities. Shrimp genetics primarily determines the amount of additional growth that can be achieved, as shrimp typically reflect their parents’ growth rates.
Health & Welfare
Although not universally practiced, the potential benefits of selective breeding in aquaculture outweigh all other options for improving animal performance. The genetic potential of aquaculture animals is plastic and can be improved over a relatively short timeframe.
Health & Welfare
A partnership between CSIRO and the Australian seafood industry has significantly improved the selective breeding of Australian Pacific oysters.
Health & Welfare
Achieving higher growth rates in shrimp can reduce risks, cut costs and increase economic opportunities. The amount of additional growth that is achievable is related primarily to shrimp genetics.
Health & Welfare
Successful non-invasive predictions of pigment and fat levels in whole salmon were demonstrated by the authors using visible and near infrared spectroscopy to study how these traits vary genetically during growth.
Health & Welfare
The foundation of a successful integrated aquaculture company is reliable production of healthy postlarvae. Methodical breeding selection of the offspring from carefully managed broodstock can lead to improved disease resistance and higher growth rates.
Health & Welfare
Using clear-water tank systems, CSIRO and a collaborating farm have advanced the domestication of black tiger stocks in Australia.
Health & Welfare
Stress hormone axes could be used as markers for selective breeding. Researchers see a negative correlation between weight gain and cortisol response to acute stress.