Biosecurity protocols needed for shrimp feeds, feeding practices
Shrimp aquafeeds – live, fresh or formulated – should not be an entry point of potential pathogens to the shrimp and/or to their culture systems.
Functional ingredients and additives promote growth, improve health of farmed shrimp, and bolster immune response and other physiological needs.
Shrimp aquafeeds – live, fresh or formulated – should not be an entry point of potential pathogens to the shrimp and/or to their culture systems.
Effective aquafeed management methods are critical for efficient production of farmed shrimp, and to minimize environmental impact. In the second part of his series, Editor Emeritus Darryl Jory looks at shrimp feed management in terms of application, distribution, frequency, calculations and adjustment practices.
Assuring that aquafeed ingredients are processed properly into a high-quality product requires monitoring each manufacturing process through the proper in-line quality assurance, to produce a consistent quality continuously.
The authors recently conducted a study to determine the amino acids content of commercial shrimp feeds the effects of leaching for six of them.
Health & Welfare
The methodology used in a Texas Agricultural Experiment Station study provided a useful tool for evaluating the attractiveness of individual ingredients in prepared shrimp feeds.
The process for making extruded shrimp feeds has flexibility to produce diets with a wide range of fat levels, densities, shapes and sizes.
"New" ingredients like seaweed meals, particularly from various kelp species, provide trace minerals and vitamin A, and increase the palatability of shrimp feeds.
New ingredients and processes are figuring prominently in the production of more-nutritious and better-balanced “specialty" shrimp feeds.
Synthetic and natural binders that provide increased water stability are often used without consideration of the final dry or wet pellet texture of the shrimp feed.
With decreasing prices and increasing raw-material costs, efforts to reduce shrimp feed costs and improve management top the agenda for most farmers.
Penaeid shrimp are unable to bio-synthesize cholesterol, which is widely accepted as an essential nutrient for these crustaceans.
The choice of shrimp feeds or feeding regimes can have a profound effect on the rearing conditions and health of the cultured species.
Maintaining the stability of shrimp feeds until consumption is a challenge as pellets lose dry matter due to leaching of soluble compounds.
Spray-dried plasma protein is a high-protein feed ingredient that can lower occurrence of enteric disease when used in feed or water.
Feeding trials with a new shrimp feed were conducted at the Oceanic Institute with three different feeding regimes and two tank covers.