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Shrimp - Page 16 of 19 - Responsible Seafood Advocate

Health & Welfare

Aquaculture genomics: Progress in identifying species genetics continues

The continued application of genome research to aquaculture will provide unprecedented accuracy for genetic selection of performance and production traits. 

Fish, shrimp respond to pheromone-based feeding attractants
Article image for Fish, shrimp respond to pheromone-based feeding attractants

Health & Welfare

Fish, shrimp respond to pheromone-based feeding attractants

The chemical communicators pheromones can be used to induce increased feeding activity in a range of farmed species. Preliminary commercial testing with pheromone feeding stimulants sprayed onto the surface of water prior to feeding found better feed utilization in fish and better water quality. Pheromone applications also produced shrimp that were 30 percent larger than the control shrimp and had a significantly faster rate of growth. 

Salt, sodium in shrimp
Article image for Salt, sodium in shrimp


Salt, sodium in shrimp

Properly used moisture-retention agents with salt protect the natural moisture levels of shrimp. The amount of sodium added to shrimp should be limited to that needed for good flavor and yield.