Evaluating soybean-based diets for cage-raised red drum
A 15-week feeding trial evaluated the replacement of fishmeal with soybean products in the diet of advanced juvenile red drum.
Evaluation of partial replacement of fishmeal with soy protein concentrate in diets for pearl gentian grouper, a hybrid of giant grouper and tiger grouper.
A 15-week feeding trial evaluated the replacement of fishmeal with soybean products in the diet of advanced juvenile red drum.
Turbot are typically fed diets containing 45 to 65 percent fishmeal. In a study that gave turbot feed with 40 percent soy protein concentrate, the fish had decent growth and excellent survival.
A feeding demonstration in Costa Rica evaluated the partial replacement of fishmeal in diets for spotted rose snappers with soy protein concentrate (SPC). It found no significant difference between the performance of fish fed an SPC-based diet and those that received commercial fishmeal-based diets.