Membrane biological reactor technology supports wastewater reclamation reuse
Membrane biological reactor technology is a scalable wastewater treatment system that reclaims water discharged from RAS solids-collection devices.
Health & Welfare
Circular tank-based recirculating aquaculture systems can be used to effectively culture rainbow trout and other salmonids in a bio-secure and environmentally friendly manner that imposes a much lower water and wastewater footprint than traditional flow-through culture technologies.
Membrane biological reactor technology is a scalable wastewater treatment system that reclaims water discharged from RAS solids-collection devices.
Health & Welfare
The USDA marine aquaculture center is addressing genetic improvement of North American Atlantic salmon to develop improved lines for producers.
Health & Welfare
In studies, high dissolved carbon dioxide concentrations in culture tank water induced rainbow trout to swim to an area with lower concentrations.
In a study, a radial-flow settler provided approximately twice the TSS removal efficiency of a comparable swirl separator.
Health & Welfare
Abandoned mine sites are a significantly underused aquaculture resource in rural West Virginia and the Appalachian region.