Health & Welfare
Marketplace to industry, governments: Solve shrimp diseases
The international seafood marketplace is pleading with the farmed shrimp supply chain to control diseases that wreak havoc on the global supply chain.
Health & Welfare
El mercado internacional de productos del mar está suplicando a la cadena de suministro de camarón cultivado que controle las enfermedades que causan estragos en la cadena de suministro global.
Health & Welfare
The international seafood marketplace is pleading with the farmed shrimp supply chain to control diseases that wreak havoc on the global supply chain.
To recruit fish farmers into an aquaculture improvement project (AIP), a Wageningen University researcher finds “tell your friends” has tremendous value.
Un grupo de ONGs y empresas está desarrollando herramientas e interfaces destinadas a ayudar a los productores a reducir los brotes de enfermedades tanto a nivel individual como a nivel de área.
A group of NGOs and businesses is developing tools and interfaces aimed at helping farmers reduce disease outbreaks both individually and at the area level.
Innovation & Investment
Now is the time for investment in efficiency improvements, better genetics, health management and more competition and innovation in the feed sector. Let's not perpetuate the myth that just a little more investment in some technical solutions will solve the problems in Africa.
La idea de que la salud y la seguridad de las granjas acuícolas están interconectadas no es nueva. Incluso las granjas mejor gestionadas no están protegidas de enfermedades o la contaminación de otra granja cercana, por lo que son necesarias medidas adicionales, argumenta Anton Immink de Sustainable Fisheries Partnership.
The idea that fish farms’ health and safety are interconnected is not new. Even the best-run farms are not protected from diseases or pollution from another farm close by, so further measures are necessary, argues Anton Immink of Sustainable Fisheries Partnership.
Six of the world’s leading shrimp producers are in need of aquaculture improvement projects and zone-management strategies that address pressing sustainability concerns, a leading seafood NGO has determined.
A survey found that many large retailers see the sustainable feed issue as a major challenge. Sustainable Fisheries Partnership recommends greater visibility for the entire supply chain and more industrywide policies.