For seaweed farmers in Zanzibar, a chance for real growth
For many Zanzibari women, seaweed farming provides opportunity, but hardships are common. A project from The Nature Conservancy lends hope.
A report from The Nature Conservancy shows restorative or regenerative aquaculture can benefit ecosystems, marine animal habitats and biodiversity.
For many Zanzibari women, seaweed farming provides opportunity, but hardships are common. A project from The Nature Conservancy lends hope.
MicroTERRA es una prometedora empresa emergente desarrollando sistemas que utilizan microalgas para convertir aguas residuales de estanques de peces en proteínas para alimentos de peces.
MicroTERRA is a promising Mexico-based startup developing systems that use microalgae to turn fishpond wastewater into protein for fish feed.
Las cámaras GoPro y los drones están ayudando a los investigadores, reguladores y operadores a comprender cómo la cría de moluscos interactúa con hábitats sensibles como los lechos de zostera marina.
Innovation & Investment
The Nature Conservancy y una firma de inversión de Nueva York publicaron una guía de campo para las partes interesadas en acelerar el futuro del sector de manera sostenible.
Drones and GoPro cameras are helping researchers, regulators and operators understand how shellfish farming interacts with sensitive habitats like eelgrass beds.
Innovation & Investment
The Nature Conservancy and a New York investment firm issued a field guide for parties interested in accelerating the sector’s future sustainably.
The Nature Conservancy estuvo inactiva en la acuacultura hasta que se unió el nuevo líder del programa, Robert Jones. Su atención se centra en los resultados positivos de la acuacultura responsable.
The Nature Conservancy was inactive in aquaculture until new program leader Robert Jones joined. His focus is on the positive outcomes of responsible aquaculture.
Innovation & Investment
Impact investment, which seeks environmental and social returns in addition to profits, was examined during a SeaWeb Seafood Summit panel.
The Shellfish Growers Climate Coalition, an initiative of seven founding U.S. aquaculture farmers, last week launched a partnership with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to spread public awareness about climate change and its impact on their businesses.