Transparency technology puts aquaculture on the front foot
An expanding number of aquaculture producers are discovering that readily available technology can help them share their egg-to-plate journeys openly.
BlueTrace won a $500K grant from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration to develop an innovative Tide to Table Traceability and Marketing System.
An expanding number of aquaculture producers are discovering that readily available technology can help them share their egg-to-plate journeys openly.
Innovation & Investment
The emerging technology, known as the foundation for cryptocurrencies, may be the trustworthy traceability tool the industry needs in a digitally driven world.
For small-scale aquaculture farmers in far-flung regions, creating traceability data can present major challenges, both linguistic and technological. It’s those challenges that VerifiK8 is poised and ready to help solve.
Because paper trails aren’t perfect, some food producers are going beyond written or digital records to prove their products’ authenticity and prevent economic fraud. Is farmed seafood a perfect fit for forensic-science traceability?
En esta última entrega de la extensa serie de tres partes de Hervé Lucien-Brun, el autor detalla los pasos finales en el proceso de llevar el camarón de cultivo al mercado. Aquí echamos un vistazo a los protocolos adecuados para recibir producto en la planta de procesamiento, para su pesaje, clasificación y congelación.
In this final installment of Hervé Lucien-Brun’s comprehensive three-part series, the author details the final steps in the process of taking farmed shrimp to the marketplace. Here we take a look at the proper protocols for receiving at the processing plant, weighing, grading and freezing.
Global tilapia production and consumption growth has mirrored the species' versatility. The fish will remain integral to rural aquaculture development.
Regulations combined with market pressure has led to a call for traceability for seafood as it moves through food supply chains.