Overview of trout farming in Chile
With favorable resources, local sources of eggs, availability of fishmeal and qualified labor, Chile has become the world’s top producer of rainbow trout.
Health & Welfare
Circular tank-based recirculating aquaculture systems can be used to effectively culture rainbow trout and other salmonids in a bio-secure and environmentally friendly manner that imposes a much lower water and wastewater footprint than traditional flow-through culture technologies.
With favorable resources, local sources of eggs, availability of fishmeal and qualified labor, Chile has become the world’s top producer of rainbow trout.
Health & Welfare
Fish farms in Armenia have developed a diversified product base that includes value-added, ready-to-eat foods for export, as well as live and processed fish for domestic markets.
Health & Welfare
Trout farming is a well-established industry that assists in providing services and technology to developing aquaculture sectors in South Africa.
In a study comparing U-shaped plastic culture tanks to concrete raceways in a 31-week grow-out of trout fingerlings showed the plastic tanks offered lower costs, easy modification, transportability and reduced labor for cleaning.
Health & Welfare
A USDA/ARS program is studying semen cryopreservation with rainbow trout to insure that genetic diversity from multiple populations and the genetic legacy of selectively bred populations are protected.
In a meta-analysis of 28 nutrition studies, the authors found limited possibilities for ingredient substitution for fishmeal in diets for salmon and trout.
Health & Welfare
In studies, high dissolved carbon dioxide concentrations in culture tank water induced rainbow trout to swim to an area with lower concentrations.
Health & Welfare
Transgenic salmon and trout developed by AquaBounty Technologies are minimally different from other farm-raised fish, but exhibit impressive and inheritable growth rates.