Health & Welfare

The Shrimp Book: Principal shrimp infectious diseases, diagnosis and management

Disease outbreaks in shrimp occur not only due to the presence of pathogens, but also to suboptimal culture conditions and system management. 

Disease risk evaluation
Article image for Disease risk evaluation

Health & Welfare

Disease risk evaluation

Assessing disease risk at an aquaculture facility allows the anticipation of possible outbreaks and subsequent production losses. It can also help to identify weaknesses of the production system. 

Why shrimp cannot be vaccinated
Article image for Why shrimp cannot be vaccinated

Health & Welfare

Why shrimp cannot be vaccinated

The principle of vaccination is based on two key elements of immunity: specificity and memory. Shrimp lack the appropriate cells and pathways to respond to specific pathogens and the long-term “memory” to deal with recurring infections.