Health & Welfare
Influence of stressors on shrimp susceptibility to White Spot Disease, Part 1
Study stresses the importance of understanding the impact of environmental stressors on farmed shrimp contracting White Spot Disease.
Health & Welfare
Study examines the impact of environmental stressors like dissolved oxygen, nitrogenous compounds and pH on shrimp contracting White Spot Disease.
Health & Welfare
Study stresses the importance of understanding the impact of environmental stressors on farmed shrimp contracting White Spot Disease.
Health & Welfare
Evaluación de la calidad y supervivencia de postlarvas de camarón blanco del Pacífico de reproductores hembras no sometidas a ablación, una estrategia holística de bioseguridad y gestión.
Health & Welfare
Los camarones cocidos exportados infectados con el virus del síndrome de la mancha blanca (WSSV) y con resultado positivo por PCR se consideran un factor de riesgo para la introducción del patógeno.
Health & Welfare
Exported cooked shrimp infected with White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) and tested positive by PCR is considered a risk factor for the introduction of the pathogen.