Health & Welfare
Diseases of cultured yellow perch
Yellow perch is an emerging aquaculture candidate susceptible to a wide range of disease syndromes with infectious and non-infectious causes.
Health & Welfare
The use of larger and deeper tanks can reduce building, labor and other aquaculture production costs. However, the ability to grade and transfer large numbers of fish is more challenging when using large tanks. In a comparison of the effectiveness of a purse seine and a hinged clamshell to crowd fish in large tanks, the latter was easier to control and less stressful to salmonids. With a slotted bar rack in a side panel of the clamshell crowder, fish were simultaneously graded in size.
Health & Welfare
Yellow perch is an emerging aquaculture candidate susceptible to a wide range of disease syndromes with infectious and non-infectious causes.
The economic feasibility of yellow perch culture on a commercial scale is unknown. Marketing and biological constraints must be addressed.
While other species progressed to commercialization faster than yellow perch, the move to bring the fish to commercial status is well founded.