Articles posted during the month of December 2020

Featured image for Bonasse: Member Feature

Bonasse: Member Feature

Bor Shang Biotech Feed Co. Ltd. (Zhanjiang) was founded in 1988 and located at Guandu Industrial zone, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong, China. As the Chinese branch of Bor Shanq Sheng Huah Co. Ltd. (TAIWAN), which was founded in the 1960s, the company focuses on R&D and sales of aquaculture feed and animal health products. The major 

Featured image for Mercadona Is First Spain-Based Retailer to Accept BAP Seafood

Mercadona Is First Spain-Based Retailer to Accept BAP Seafood

Mercadona has become the first Spain-based retailer to recognize the Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) third-party certification program, the Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) announced on Dec. 21. Mercadona has added BAP to its farmed seafood sourcing policy and will accept the program as a means of compliance for suppliers. “Mercadona works closely with several national and international organizations