Wednesday Luncheon Anchors GAA Activities in Brussels

Last year, the Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) made a big splash on one of the world’s biggest seafood stages with the launch of Global Seafood Assurances (GSA), a new, independent, not-for-profit organization established to provide credible supply-chain assurances for farmed and wild seafood while addressing gaps in aquaculture and fisheries certification.

This year, GAA once again returns to Seafood Expo Global (SEG) in Brussels, Belgium, with an update on GSA one year after its formation. All are invited to attend a luncheon titled “Beyond 2020: A New World of Assurances” in Room 1121 of the Brussels Exhibition Centre on Wednesday, 8 May, from 11:30 to 12:30 CET. The meeting will include an update on all of GAA’s activities, in the wake of the release of the organization’s first ever annual report. Please RSVP.

Held at the Brussels Exhibition Centre, SEG is one of the world’s largest seafood expositions. Last year, the three-day event drew more than 29,100 seafood professionals from 150-plus countries.

GAA is exhibiting in Hall 7, Stand 1405, same as last year. Attendees are encouraged to drop by the GAA exhibit to meet the GAA staff and for more information on GAA and its industry-leading Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) third-party certification program.

Here’s the list of activities:

Beyond 2020: A New World of Assurances

Room 1121
Wednesday, 8 May, 11:30-12:30 CET

Please join us as we provide an update on GAA and BAP as well as GSA and its activities, including the Responsible Fishing Scheme, Seafood Processing Standards Version 5.0 and Sustainable Ocean Leadership Institute. Lunch will be served. Space is limited. Please RSVP.

11:30-11:50 – Andrew Mallison, CEO, Global Aquaculture Alliance
11:50-12:10 – Wally Stevens, Executive Director, Global Seafood Assurances
12:10-12:20 – Q&A with GSA board members
12:20-12:30 – Lunch

GAA Happy Hour

Hall 7, Stand 1405
Tuesday, 7 May, 17:00 CET

Please join the GAA and BAP staff for beer and wine as we celebrate the year in responsible seafood.

GAA, BAP & GSA Workshop

Hall 7, Stand 1405
Tuesday, 7 May, 13:00 CET
Wednesday, 8 May, 16:00 CET

Please join us for one of two workshops. Both workshops will focus on recent enhancements to the BAP program, including the supply chain transparency program; GAA’s new membership structure and benefits; and the new Sustainable Ocean Leadership Institute.

BAP Ceremony: Rai Seafoods & Anggana Farmer Association

Hall 7, Stand 1405
Tuesday, 7 May, 15:00 CET

Please join BAP as it recognizes Rai Seafoods and the Anggana Farmer Association for attaining BAP certification for their network of extensive black tiger shrimp farms in Indonesia, the first group to be certified under the new Farm and Hatchery Group Program Policy and Control Document Issue 1.0.