Virtual Event Session 5 Program Agenda (All Times Eastern Daylight Time)

Opening Remarks9:00 am to 9:02 am

The climate crisis is a defining issue of our time, and its effects are already looming with flooding in China, Germany, Belgium, Uganda and India, wildfires in California, Turkey and Siberia, and new warnings in the prestigious journal Nature that weakening Atlantic Ocean currents may lead to irreversible extreme cold in Europe and parts of North America. Governments are urgently responding. Just recently, the European Union pledged to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, while China is planning to launch the world’s largest emissions-trading program and U.S. legislators are calling for a carbon tariff on polluting countries. What can the aquaculture and fisheries industries do to mitigate the impacts of climate change? Find out by participating in the live stream of GOAL 2021 Virtual Event Session 5, “Feeling the Heat: What is Seafood’s Role in Mitigating the Impacts of Climate Change?

  • Moderator:  George Chamberlain Global Seafood Alliance
Presentation: Global Overview & Green Financing9:05 am to 9:25 am

Oyumaa de Jong, part of Rabobank’s Sustainable Debt Capital Markets team, will review impending changes to climate change policy and discuss options for green financing

  • Speaker:  Oyumaa de Jong Rabobank
Presentation: Electric Fishing Vessels9:25 am to 9:45 am

Erik Lanssen, general manager of Selfa Arctic AS, will discuss electrification in fisheries as well as aquaculture. His Norwegian company builds hybrid fishing vessels. Lanssen’s mission is to reduce Norway’s diesel consumption by 80 million liters.

  • Speaker:  Erik Ianssen Selfa Arctic AS
Presentation: Carbon Emissions from Aquafeeds9:45 am to 10:05 am

Richard Newton, research fellow at the University of Stirling, will discuss greenhouse gas emissions from feeds and feed ingredients. He’s chairing the Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) Vanguard standard on climate action.

  • Speaker:  Richard Newton University of Stirling
Presentation: Carbon Emissions from Aquaculture10:05 am to 10:25 am

Dave, Robb, SeaFurther Sustainability Program Lead for Cargill Animal Nutrition & Health, will review carbon emissions from different forms of aquaculture. He co-authored a recent peer-reviewed study that found that global aquaculture accounts for only 0.49 percent of anthropogenic GHG emissions, similar in magnitude to the emissions from sheep production.

  • Speaker:  Dave Robb Cargill Aqua Nutrition
Presentation: Carbon Farming10:25 am to 10:45 am

David Hine, owner of Land & Water Management Pty. Ltd., will discuss carbon farming in Australia, where a carbon-farming program has been in place for about a decade. The aim of carbon farming is to increase the rate at which carbon is sequestered into soil and plant material, creating a net loss of carbon from the atmosphere.

  • Speaker:  David Hine Land & Water Management Pty. Ltd.
Panel Discussion: Climate Change10:45 am to 11:30 am

GSA President and Founder George Chamberlain will moderate a panel discussion with the five presenters. The live panel discussion features audience question-and-answer and polling.

  • Speaker:  Oyumaa de Jong Rabobank
  • Speaker:  David Hine Land & Water Management Pty. Ltd.
  • Speaker:  Erik Ianssen Selfa Arctic AS
  • Speaker:  Richard Newton University of Stirling
  • Speaker:  Dave Robb Cargill Aqua Nutrition
  • Moderator:  George Chamberlain Global Seafood Alliance